By Vottax at 27 de Junho de 2023

In the highly competitive world of business, it is essential for companies to maintain competitive strategies and structures.

With the digital transformation in full swing, optimizing processes represents significant gains for companies in all sectors.

And this search for optimization is not restricted to the private sector. The government is also committed to simplifying procedures, aiming at greater agility, efficiency, intelligent use of resources and transparency in management.

In this context, one of the most outstanding initiatives is the adoption of the new import process, with the implementation of the DUIMP, the Single Import Declaration.

Want to learn more about the main aspects of this innovative approach and how to adapt to it?

Keep reading this article!

Why Consider a New Import Process?

After all, why consider a new import process?

The main objective of this project is to coordinate the activities of registration, follow-up and administrative, customs and fiscal control of product import operations.

By unifying the entry of required data from importers and facilitating the sharing of this information, it is possible to eliminate redundancies and make the process more consistent, agile and effective.

What is DUIMP?

But what exactly is the DUIMP? The Single Import Declaration (DUIMP) is a new electronic document that brings together all the necessary information related to the customs, administrative, commercial, financial, tax and fiscal nature of an import.

By concentrating all this data in a single document, the objective is to facilitate the control of imports by the competent bodies of the Brazilian government, in compliance with their legal obligations.

In practice, the DUIMP on the Siscomex Portal replaces the Import Declaration (DI) on the Siscomex Web.

DUIMP brings a series of processes to your company

The implementation of DUIMP brings a series of changes to your company's processes.

To adapt to the new requirements and work with the DUIMP, it is essential to understand how this statement will affect the organization's process flow.

Foreign trade managers and leaders from other areas must look beyond the new import process and redefine a series of other procedures.

It is necessary to adopt a new perspective within the company, thinking about how to obtain significant gains and increase competitiveness from the changes proposed by the new import process.

In addition to the DUIMP, other news will also have an impact on the structure of your company. See what they are:

Product Catalog: Now, more than ever, it is crucial for importers to have a complete product catalog. This facilitates risk management, ensures information transparency and allows for more efficient communication with government agencies.

Foreign Operator: With the new import process, it is necessary to register foreign operators in the product catalog. This approach brings more security and agility in operations.

LPCO (Licenses, Permissions, Certificates and Other Documents): This module simplifies and centralizes the issuance and control of import licenses. In addition to making the process more practical, it reduces operating costs.

CCT (Cargo and Transport Control): With the CCT module, it is possible to control the location of the cargo throughout the customs clearance, bringing more transparency and efficiency to the operations.

PCCE (Centralized Foreign Trade Payment): This new module simplifies the tax payment process, allowing automatic debits from authorized accounts. This speeds up the release of goods and avoids delays.
These changes are just some aspects of the new import process.

In addition to DUIMP, these innovations are transforming the way companies handle foreign trade.

It is essential to be up to date and prepared to make the most of the advantages that these new features bring.

Discover DUIMP Transformations for the Corporate World!

In the fast-paced world of international trade, adapting to change is essential for business success.

And when it comes to the new and revolutionary Single Import Declaration (DUIMP), it is essential to understand the main impacts it will bring to your corporate day-to-day.

Get ready for an exciting transformation that promises to streamline your operations and boost your bottom line!

Main Impacts for the Corporate World:

Data Sanitation

A New Beginning: Before embarking on this journey with DUIMP, it is crucial that the company's managers and professionals carry out a thorough cleaning of their product and merchandise database.

This measure guarantees the necessary risk management for the success of the new DUIMP structure, allowing accurate validation of information and providing certainty that you are on the right path.

Information Integration and Consistency

Towards Total Transparency: After sanitizing data, it's time to ensure seamless integration and consistency of information on a single accessible and secure platform.

DUIMP enables you to consistently deliver your data with a high level of transparency.

That way, you build trust with the parties involved and stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Synergy with Government Agencies

An Efficient Partnership: With data centralized in a single declaration, the consenting bodies are able to work more efficiently, eliminating discrepancies and streamlining the import process.

In this new scenario, formalization and transparency are indispensable, as inspection will be even more structured.

Aligning your company's internal areas is crucial, from the description of an item in the product catalog to the DUIMP and the Invoice - everything needs to be perfectly compatible.

Accurate and Non-Redundant Information

Simplifying Data Flow: Forget about repeating inconsistent information in different documents!

With the new DUIMP, you avoid redundancies, as your data will be standardized within the product catalogue.

This standardization provides a more agile and efficient operation, saving valuable time and resources.

Coordinated Risk Management

Fewer Physical Checks, More Efficiency: With DUIMP, you'll be empowered to manage risk and establish tighter control over your import operation.

Risk management starts even before the product is declared, making processes faster and more effective.

The result?

Fewer physical checks and inspections, reducing costs and increasing agility in your supply chain.

The Economic Impact

Promising Results: According to estimates by the renowned FGV, the new import process will bring significant economic impacts.

An annual increase of 6 to 7% in the trade flow is expected, in addition to an estimated growth of 1.52% (US$ 23.8 billion) in GDP in the first year.

Over 14 years, this growth could reach 2.52% (US$ 74.9 billion). Get ready to take advantage of opportunities!

Reduction of Deadlines and Costs

Accelerating Your Success: With DUIMP, expect a significant reduction of up to 40% in average freight transit times.

The less time your goods spend in transit, the greater your cost savings.

Leverage this competitive edge to achieve superior performance and greater operational efficiency.

The New Import Process: Beyond the DUIMP

Keep in mind that the structure of the new import process goes beyond the DUIMP. Understanding the other scenarios that will also undergo transformations is essential.

Stay tuned for all changes and be prepared for a new era in international trade.

DUIMP: Simplified and Agile Import

Get ready for a new era in importing! The Single Import Declaration (DUIMP) arrived to replace bureaucracy and streamline the process.

With comprehensive data and an integrated approach, this innovation is transforming the way import operations are performed.

Get ready for an exciting journey towards faster, more efficient and simplified importing!

The DUIMP - Consolidating Essential Information:

Forget the old Import Declarations (DI) and Simplified Import Declarations (DSI).

The DUIMP is the new electronic document that brings together customs, administrative, commercial, financial, fiscal and logistical information.

Now, all the features of the import operation are in one place, making it easier to manage and offering a complete view of the transaction.

Gaining Agility and Consistency: With DUIMP, data consistency and risk management become more efficient.

The registration of the product catalog is the basis of this new process, containing only essential information for the operation.

This means that all necessary information will be centralized from the start, eliminating the need for multiple inspections.

A single inspection will suffice, offering more agility and reducing time and costs.

Advantages of the New Import Flow: Get ready to reap a series of advantages with the new import flow provided by DUIMP:

Agility and Flexibility: Automatic steps and process flexibility bring more speed and adaptability. The water registry will be disseminated, making the entire process more efficient.
Registration Simplification: Information will be loaded automatically from documents such as LPCO, CCT and Product Catalog, simplifying the declaration and saving time and effort.
Declaration by Item: Now, the declaration will be made by item, which simplifies the calculation of taxes and offers a detailed view of the operation.

Integration with Systems: The new process can be integrated with import operations management systems, SEFAZ and other intervening systems, ensuring greater efficiency and fluid communication between the parties involved.

Foreign Operator: A New Approach

In the new import flow, the registration of foreign operators is exclusive.

It is necessary to inform new suppliers within the product catalogue, allowing a more precise and simplified management of imported materials/products.

Product Catalog: Organization and Control

All products, without exception, must be registered in the product catalogue.

This classification is carried out by the engineering sector, ensuring a complete prior analysis of the materials linked to the Foreign Operator.

The more complete and accurate the catalog is, the less chance of future problems.

Risk management becomes simple and monitoring by consenting bodies, such as the Federal Revenue Service, is facilitated.

Objectives of the New Registration of Products for Import

Raise the quality of the product description, with information organized into attributes, and with the attachment of documents, images, photos, manuals, folders, which help the intervenients in the dispatch process;

Provide greater ease and security in tax classification;

Allow stakeholders to integrate their systems to the Catalog, receiving information according to their needs, which will be provided only once to all bodies involved in the operation;

Allow the granting of licenses for the product (when applicable), instead of licenses for each operation;

Reduce redundancy and the amount of information provided as free text.
Get ready for a completely new and improved way to import!

Step by Step for Previous Product Registration

Streamline your Risk Analysis! Now, with DUIMP, it is possible to carry out an early risk analysis and speed up the single registration process per company.

Follow the steps below and enjoy the benefits offered:

Product Registration: Enter general data, such as NCM, Manufacturers and Short Description.
Attribute Registration: Customize the structured definitions for each NCM code, offering better product contextualization.
Attachment of Documents: Complement the merchandise specification with digital files, which will be used in all stages of risk management.
Centralized Access: We make information available to all foreign trade players, streamlining the process and eliminating redundancies.
Version Control: Maintain control and traceability of information with different versions of the record, ensuring its integrity.

LPCO (Licenses, Permissions, Certificates and Other Documents)

Say goodbye to the traditional Import License (LI) and Simplified Import License (LSI) processes. With the LPCO module, you will have greater customization and flexibility in analysis.

Main features of this approach:

Replacement of LI and LSI processes, bringing substantial changes and greater adaptation to analysis needs;
Enabling new types of releases, such as by term or quantity;
Information base from the product catalogue;
Advanced tools for defining the necessary information, simplifying risk management.

CCT: Simplified Cargo and Transit Control!

With the CCT module, you will have full control over the location and movement of the export/import cargo during the entire customs clearance.

The CCT module will be fully integrated with the DUIMP and will reduce the amount of information that must be registered, reusing the available data from the knowledge number.

Key benefits of this approach:

Simplification and integration of controls, bringing transparency and visibility to operations;
Replacement of paper documents with electronic knowledge (e-AWB);
Advance information and intensified risk management, resulting in greater efficiency in customs control.

PCCE: Centralized Foreign Trade Payment!

The delay in recognizing the payment of taxes is a thing of the past! With the PCCE module, the payment process becomes fast and efficient.

Through the one-stop shop, processing time is reduced, releasing your goods faster. Main features of this approach:

  • Single window for payment of federal taxes and state tax declared in the DUIMP;
  • Automatic debit in accounts previously authorized in the banking network;
  • Elimination of the need to issue multiple guides and access to the Federal Revenue website;
  • Simplification and agility in foreign trade processes.

More News:

We cannot fail to highlight the changes in the generation of the Entry Invoice and the new simplified attachment system.

The generation of the Invoice will be from the DUIMP (NT 2020.005), providing greater integration and agilityage.

The attachment system offers a practical and easy delivery of customs declarations to the Federal Revenue Service and public agencies.

It's time to embrace the future of foreign trade! DUIMP is revolutionizing the corporate world, bringing innovation and efficiency to the import process.

Be a pioneer and make the most of the positive impacts that this new era offers. The time to adapt is now and we at Vottax can help you.

Schedule a free demo right now and discover how to achieve extraordinary results for your business!

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